Patricia Pisters is professor of Media Studies (with a specialization in Film Studies) at the University of Amsterdam. She is affiliated to the Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA) of the Faculty of Humanities and member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW). She is one of the founding editors of the peer reviewed Open Access journal NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies. With Bernd Herzogenrath she is series editor of Thinking I Media at Bloomsbury; with Wanda Strauven and Malte Hagener series editor of Film Culture in Transition at Amsterdam University Press. Since 2022 she is board member of the Open Foundation for interdisciplinary research in psychedelics and Extra Extra Magazine, platform and journal for art and urban eroticism. As a film-philosopher her work investigates film and media in relation to (altered states of) consciousness. She is interested in the aesthetics and politics of art, film and media culture and investigates media ecologies from an elemental perspective.

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